2015 Advent Calendar – Day 13

I am HAPPY to be a part of your journey!
              Hello, Carolyne here!   Today, I am very excited to share with you a little something that I discovered recently which really inspired me. It has changed my vision on life! Okay, that sounds a little strong but it did make a huge difference in how I see many things in life, especially the meaning of ”being happy”.
Everybody on earth wants to be happy – there’s no doubt about that. It’s crucial to be happy with ourselves too! Taking care of our body and eating well is also an effort towards self-happiness. This is why I’m so stoked to share this with you!
Happiness – What can I do about it?
The main concern with the term ”being happy” is; HOW does one truly acquire this happiness? Will it be defined by the size of pants you wear? The amount of money in your bank account? The number that appears on the scale? The deadline for finishing a project you really care about? What will make YOU truly happy?
You don’t know this about me, but I love to watch documentaries much more than plain out movies and since I have a Netflix account, I usually go snoop around on their documentaries when looking for something new or interesting. A couple of weeks ago I watched a documentary called HAPPY. It had great reviews so I gave it a shot. I was not disappointed! This film questions what exactly happiness is! Don’t we all?

From their research and many questions asked to people from all backgrounds and cultures, they discovered that happiness is found mostly in helping and being a part of other people’s lives. It can be as simple as picking up a call at the right moment from a friend who needs advice, or helping out a stranger stuck in snow. People are happier when they do things for others. It gives us reason and purpose. Purpose is one of those things that people think about at long length and most believe it has to be this great big thing!  All you have to do is smile at a homeless person and you have made their day… and yours!

Say, can I be happy at my job?
This movie helped me understand why I LOVE

my job and why I am truly HAPPY at work (I believe strongly that all the coaches at Food-Wise can relate). It’s because I get to help people and assist them on their weight loss and maintenance journey. It really makes me happy! On that note -I want to give a special thanks to all of you who trust us to coach and assist in your weight loss journey. – you help me/us be truly happy and have purpose every day! Want to be happy at work? Look around for someone you can help be better at what they do!  Introduce a mentorship program, your leaders will love you for it and so will the people you help!

Everyone should watch this documentary and get inspired, especially at this time of year when  we tend to think that the amount of money spent on a gift will determine the level of happiness that it will generate.
As a side bar, Doctor Tran (from Ideal Protein) likes to say ; You have to love yourself to lose weight not the other way around! He’s absolutely right. Dieting is not an easy task and you know it! It takes patience, willingness to change, the right tools, a plan, and enough love for yourself to get it done and keep it off.

Watch this movie because we get stronger and healthier when we are happy. This is the kind of documentary that helps spark people and helps them reach a new level of power in their lives.


How to get HAPPY (the movie)!
Make happiness a priority!
You can rent HAPPY (the movie) directly on the site for $2.99
Or watch it for free if you have a Netflixaccount.
Check out the trailer for free.
Click here to  join the HAPPY movement and sign-up to their site.

“HAPPY is in the process of developing a 28 day program that brings happiness to the centre of our lives. With the movie HAPPY as a catalyst, it provides practical, simple happiness-focused activities that can easily be integrated into each day along with weekly reflections and special features. The program evolves and grows as participants unite to offer support, community developed tips, and inspiration to one another.”

         Since it is Sunday, take an hour off your errands and chores and enjoy this moving documentary! You may find yourself revived and ready to take on the next task with renewed intensity. You may even get motivated to keep your focus during this demanding time of year. You CAN do this!
I know that today, you will feel better just from watching this movie.  It will make you feel as good as it did me and I want you to be happy!!!
One day closer to the holidays! Keep joining us for your daily dose of inspiration!
Have a great Sunday!
Coach Carolyne and all the coaching staff at Food-Wise!


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