2015 Advent Calendar – Day 6

Don’t worry, be happy!
              Everyone agrees that Sunday is a day to be at peace, to relax, to take it easy and to be happy.  There are hundreds of pictures on Google Image that relate to Happy Sunday so I decided to make this our Sunday theme!
Why is happiness important especially in relations to weight loss?  It’s simple, because people typically put the cart before the horse!  I hear it all the time:  I will be so happy when I reach my goal weight!  I will be so happy when I can get back into my size 10 pants!  So my question is: what are you now?  Does happiness have to wait until you reach your goal?
Happiness – Is that even real?
 Wikipedia defines happiness as “a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.”  The issue isn’t so much that we don’t know what it is but rather that we continue to look for it “in all the wrong places!”
People start a weight loss program thinking that it will bring them happiness!  “When I lose 25 lbs, I will be happy!”  –  “When I get back in control of my diet, I, for sure, will be happy!” Sound familiar?  Why is it then that people lose weight all the time and gain it right back?  Is it because they can’t deal with being happy?  Of course not!
There are a few things to look at relating to happiness and weight.  Let’s start with the fact that lack of happiness is the leading cause of weight gain!  People most often gain weight when they are unhappy, in which case, the food is intended to supply the missing happiness. The big problem is that the food brings very short lived happiness then the void or unhappiness returns. The brain then kicks in  with what he thinks is a brilliant idea… more food!  That’s should return the state of happiness in theory. This vicious circle then goes round and round and the weight comes on just like that!
The second fact is that happiness isn’t something we can find on the outside, it is something we must cultivate on the inside. There are billions of dollars spent yearly on advertising making a compelling case that happiness can be found in “stuff” – vacations, new cars, bigger homes, a different job, a different spouse… and the list goes on!  I’m not saying that you can’t be happier in a better car or in a more fulfilling relationship.  What I am saying is that it may not be the answer to your particular source of unhappiness.
An interesting thing to know is that our lack of happiness also has a purpose… it is there to confirm that you need to change direction.  The acute presence of unhappiness  always leads to a breakthrough.  The sooner you look at the source of your unhappiness, the quicker you will be enlightened as to the potential solution.
Now, I know what you are thinking… “I’d rather not know because the likelihood is that there’s nothing I can do about it!”  Am I right? Fear is among the leading reasons why people don’t do anything!  Fear of failure, fear of what other people think, fear of the unknown!  I want you to think that there is nothing that you cannot do!  I am the living proof of this! Becoming an entrepreneur in my late 40’s with everyone saying that most people fail a few times before they succeed… I had every reason to not even attempt what I do now!  And yet, courage in hand, I went full steam ahead!  I didn’t do it alone and there lies the key.  You can do anything you want just remember that you don’t need to do it alone!  You are surrounded by people who can help you and that holds true for anything you want to change!

A list of articles that will 
enlighten and empower you!
What factors are crucial to well-being?
Expectations: use them or be used by them.
The Secrets of Happiness

Forget about money. Don’t fret about youth. Acting happy will make you happy, and more tips.
             I met a guy a few years ago at a trade show and he was selling happiness… well OK, he wasn’t so  much selling happiness as he was selling the method to acquiring it!   Really!

There was something odd about this guy, he was smiling way too much and when I stopped at his booth, he shared that he had lived a good part of his life being unhappy until he decided one day to research a way to change that! Stephen L. Whiteley did a lot of research and basically tried most methods out which finally led to him writing and publishing a book called Happiness Works! Get Yours Here!  The book is packed with information, well worth the money and the

Get yours here!

time spent reading it!

 There is no better time to be happy!  Take my word for it, being thin isn’t going to bring you happiness.  Do the work now especially if you are in the process of losing weight. It will serve to anchor  your weight loss efforts for a truly lasting effect.
Have a great Sunday

Lise and all the coaching staff at Food-Wise!

PS – Thank you Karol for your feedback on yesterday’s email!  Because of you I now know that I can get a bunless burger at Big Smoke Burger at the Rideau Centre in Ottawa!  Super!  😉

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