Day 18 – Remembering where they came from…

we get use to something, we forget it had a beginning. We forget that
someone had an idea and that idea became a tradition and that tradition
became an intrinsic part of our “normal way” of seeing the world. There
is a first time for everything and everything has more than one
beginning. It grows, like a snowball rolling down a hill. An invention
brings life to the next and the next inspires another inventor who
brings forth another beginning. We are all connected, even in the
evolution of inventions, concepts and traditions. One thing gives life
to the next, just like the cycle of nature. The idea is to remember to
be grateful for all those wonderful and impressive people who took part
in the Big story, the story of us.

Going back to the fundamentals…

There is something
to be said about remembering the birth of an event, an emotion or an
invention. When we remember, we give thanks to whom ever gave us that
tradition, that way of life, that method of expression, that piece of
human dignity and that view of the world. We get into a mode of
gratitude which in turn elevates our spirit, our mood and brings us in
touch with a kindness inside that doesn’t only belongs to us; it is the
thread of human kindness. Today I want to show gratitude for one concept
and one invention; together they created the Christmas tree.  




We would think
that the Christmas tree is a Christian concept but it is not. It is a
blend of human interpretations related to the cycle of life and later
on, Christianity. The celebration of a green tree seems to have
originated during King Tut’s Empire (1332 BC – 1323 BC). Throughout the
solstice of winter, the Egyptians would bring in their homes, green date
palm leaves to symbolize life’s triumph over death. In the times of the
Roman Empire, it was tradition to celebrate the solstice of winter by
decorating the homes with light and greens and to exchange coins for
prosperity, desserts for happiness, and lamps for our human journey on
earth. The German and the Scandinavian people honoured the evergreen for
its symbol of hope that spring would be coming back.  


As for the
Christian concept, it is a mix of two stories; the first one involves
St-Boniface a German missionary who became the Patron Saint of Germany
(675 – 754). It is said that St-Boniface got furious when he witnessed a
pagan ritual taking place around an oak tree. He cut the tree and from
it, a fir grew. For him, it was a sign from God. The fir was a symbol of


The second story
takes place around 1500 with Martin Luther. During one of his winter
walks he noticed a group of young evergreens. He was touched by their
beauty and decided to decorate them with candles to honour God’s


I could go on,
connect more dots, but this would not be an article, it would be a book.
The point is, by knowing and remembering where, who and why we take
part in certain rituals and traditions, we are able to truly be a part
of the celebration, in mind, body and spirit. The Christmas tree is more
than an illuminated evergreen; it is a symbol of hope, gratitude and




Christmas lights as we know them today are the result of one man: Thomas Edison. In 1880, this great inventor was looking for a way to advertise his “incandescent light bulb”. It was two years
later that Edison’s bulbs were displayed in a tree. By the year 1900,
General Electric bought the patent rights and today we all enjoy
Christmas lights!


The story of
Christmas lights doesn’t stop there. In 1985, Canada launched the
Christmas Light Program which took place only on Parliament Hill. Today,
there are more than 60 illuminated sites in the National Capital
region. As the years went by, other provinces embarked in the program
and today, it is a National Event! 


celebration doesn’t have to be about overindulging on food and alcohol.
It doesn’t have to cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Christmas
time should be the sum of what you value the most… And although we all
value food to the extent that without it we would be in a very sad
place, food should not be the reason we get together but rather what
allows us to prolong the time we spend together!


By putting the focus on the things that have real value, we free
ourselves from temptations such as desserts and rich foods, and we also
free ourselves from the feeling of missing out. The power of gatherings
lies in the belief we give them. “Phenomenology” is a philosophical
theory which expresses that, only what we see and believe in, is what
exists. The moment you stop believing in something; it withers, fades
and dies, and with time gets replaced with what you now value.

Phase 4 tip…


everything gets reintegrated into your food list, and nothing is
disallowed, chances are that you forget from time to time, and
especially during celebrations, all the hard work that you put in to get
the body and the health you wanted. By re-evaluating which ritual is
valuable and which one would fall under the “we’ve always done it that
way without questioning why”, you can better see what could be at the
root of some of your previous spiralling out of control. Just as a
reminder, if you are a carb addict, it is better for you to stick with tree decoration rather than cookie decoration. You wouldn’t want to wake up at Easter with the sinking feeling that you never saw the last 3 – 4 months or 20 – 30 lbs!
remember the stories, they are the ancestors of our traditions, the
foundation of our celebrations. Therefore instead of grabbing a piece of
cake, light a candle and be grateful… And think that you are every
bit a part of the Big story!


With an illuminated heart,

Julie-Jeanne Darc
Food-Wise Weight Loss

2 thoughts on “Day 18 – Remembering where they came from…”

  1. シーバイクロエ

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